Thursday, March 19, 2009

My first Blog

So, I've never really don the whole blogging thing but I guess there's no better time to start than now, right? I'm hoping that a lot of my twitter friends will come check this out. It's nice to be able to say things in more than 140 characters. I'm not really sure if this blog will have a specific purpose other than for me to basically share my daily life with all of you. I'll post pictures from my day and just basically talk about what's going on in my life........which.......I probably the point in blogging anyway. Sorry, like I said I'm new to all of this. ha ha

Thank you for taking the time to stop by and check this out. I'll take the time later to spice up the looks of the page. I did go to school for Graphic Design before having to withdraw to go on tour so although I haven't done a whole lot of Graphic design work since withdrawing 4 years ago, I still mess around with it every now and then. Web stuff was never my nitch though so hang with me. ha ha.


  1. Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging! It's highly addicting! You're gonna love it :p

  2. Hey, I linked to you from my blog.

  3. Hey! I am one of your Twitter friends (sirmax70). Looking forward to reading your blog. Here's mine (I haven't updated lately..slacker that I am).

    God Bless!!


  4. Hi!! directly from twitter to your blog... Mine will be ready soon, I'm working on it... And don´t think about the purpose of your blog I guess God will use you because you can get to lots of young people and give us a word of encouragement... This was a great idea!!

    God bless you forever! ;)

    Zandra (zandruka_veruka)

  5. Linked your blog! Welcome to the blog world!
